Our website is under construction, being updated often! Thank you for your patience! Facebook is updated weekly…….due to construction, Hwy 19 from the West and East is open! Hwy 93 & County Rd 6 closed 2024 & 2025!!
We welcome anyone interested in our Garden, Hurrah in August and the new project of the “National Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Center” to open in the future in Henderson!! We do NOT have a definite opening date as of yet. $50 Inaugural Founding Sponsorships for 1 year are being accepted. Thank you!!! Please contact us for the details of the Sponsorship and how this will benefit you and the Center! 507-665-6570 Brenda Email : hendersonfeathers@gmail.com
Facebook: Henderson Hummingbird Hurrah
Our Program for August 17th event….will be available at the event!!! Subject to change………..
Pages in our program for August 17th!
NATIONAL RUBY- THROATED HUMMINGBIRD CENTER to open in Henderson, MN in the near future!
NOTE: December 2023! We are very proud to say the Henderson City Council approved the purchase of the St Joseph’s Church and Parish Center. Henderson Feathers, Inc. will lease the buildings for the National Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Center to open in 2024! The “Center” will be an extension of the Hummingbird Garden and Hurrah, which will remain just as before! More details regarding the “Center” to be announced in the near future. We appreciate all the support we have been privileged to enjoy over the years and welcome new friends of the Hummingbirds in the future. Dolores Hagen, the founder of Henderson Feathers back in 2008, I believe would be very proud and we will keep her memory in our plans for the future.
![May be an image of grass](https://scontent-msp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/412915705_752847253549967_5808397244310189176_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p960x960&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=n-7SEkYy878AX_y2iAq&_nc_ht=scontent-msp1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBOvopXmkJFdDqzCsNfHAasb87xwO4gnIGq7Gm9saSZIA&oe=659C1AB3)
We welcome additional committee members and volunteers. Thank you to our supporters that stepped up as Board Members, Committee Chairs and Volunteers since September 2023! Our Henderson Feathers first meeting in 2024 will be January 16th at 6:15 p.m. in the lower level of the Henderson Library.
If interested please email hendersonfeathers@gmail.com or call Brenda 507-665-6570.
Thank you to all our visitors on August 19th – Hummingbird Hurrah! We had 300+ attending and 100’s of visitors to the Hummingbird Garden during the year.
Arlene Busse
Barb & Bob Miller
Bender’s/ Wiese True Value Hardware
Bender Park
Birds & Bloom Magazine
Brenda K’s Kreations
Brigid Tuck
Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation
Cathy Creech
Connie Rau
Connie Todryk
Country Petals Greenhouse
Charles N. Kotasek
City of Henderson/Bruce Gustafson
CRS Personal Imaging (Sandy Steinmetz)
Curt Schultz
Dahlheimer Beverage of Green Isle
Dana Melius
Drummers Garden Center
Dave Kolter
David Rice
Dolores Hagen Memorial Fund
Evolution Shirts
First State Bank/Henderson
Heart of Henderson
Henderson Classical Glass
Henderson Community Foundation
Henderson Feathers
Henderson Fire Dept.
Henderson Independent
Henderson Lions – Ron Walters
Hometown Bank of Henderson
International Owl Center
Janeth Madsen Memorial Fund
Jared Kotasek
Jason Sellner
Jeff DuCharme
Jim Pifher – Bluebird Houses
Joan & Marlin Rose
Joe & Mary Tafs
Judy Loewe
K&R Graphics
Karen’s Flowers
Ladies Tourist Club-GFWC
Larry Pfarr
Laurie & Steve Gresch
Linda & Loren Rist
Liz High
Mankato Free Press
Mark & Kathy Hodapp
Marilyn’s Sew Unique Doll Boutique
Mary Shetka
Michelle & Steve Miller
MNCS Minnesota New Country School
MN Dept of Education
Nancy Otto
Ney Nature Center
NJ Steiner Feeders
Pat Steckman
Pop’s Birding Company
Sandy Seaver
Sarah Malchow
Schuette’s Ice Cream Shoppe
Shannon Kantrowitz
SMIF (Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation)
Sr. Perspective
Steve & Joleen Sellner
Ted Suss
This Old House Garden & Gifts
Thrivent Action Team
Tom Phillips & Family
Valerian Miller
Valley Veggies & Flowers
Vicki Stork & family
Visitors and Volunteers
Wagar’s Grocery & Fuel
Walgreens Photo Dept
Wild Bird’s Unlimited -Eden Prairie
Committee Members: Arlene Busse, Pat Steckman, Doug Thomas, Sue Felmlee, Beth Cornish, Barb Miller, Linda Kunkel, Louisa Voss, Fred Wiese, David Rice, Joe & Mary Tafs, Dana Melius, and Brenda Kotasek
Many seasonal Hurrah Volunteers!! Jane Straub, Joan Stoffel, Joan Wacker, Joyce Swenson, MaryAnn Pilling, Sue McPartland, Diane Hrabe, Dan Fiebiger, Sue Pumper, Marlene Groves, Ella Miller, Jealousy, Lilli & Zach VonEschen …..sorry if I have missed someone!!!!
Thank you also to our Educational Displays: MVAC (Minnesota Valley Audubon Chapter) , Ney Nature Center, Bluebird Recovery, Pollinators- Amanda Vogel, Ron Windingstad – Chimney Swifts, Bees – Larry Pfarr (Get Growing with Larry KSTP 5)